Do not be afraid
Worry not
for your name He has called
and the yoke you shall carry is light, let down your burden
go to HIM and HE will give u rest
then Go and make disciples of Men, Go and live in the light, Go and bring the hearts of many to the One who can unite them all. And if today you hear His voice, a voice in the wilderness, harden not your hearts,
but open your hands, your heart, your spirit...
Live a life that allows the invisible, the mystery of the eternal love of God be made visible through the life of your body, the life of your light
Monday, October 29, 2007
A thought on the struggles of Life
Posted by
Shaun Guevarra
9:36 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Books For Loan at the SFC Library
These are all available to borrow.. Some are CDs, some are Books.
Contact me.
God Bless
A scriptual rosary
Gospel Readings - year 2008
The Faith Explained - Leo Trese
We Pray: Living in God's Presence - Oscar Lukefahr, C.M
Catholicism For Dummies - Rev John Trigilio/Rev Kenneth Brighenti
Behind the Screen - Lewerenz and Nicolosi
40 Days of Lamentations - Frank Padilla
Battle Cry For My Generation - Ron Luge
Theology of the Body for Beginners - Chris West
Winning the Battle For Sexual Purity (Straight Talk For Men)(3 CDs) - Chris West
Good News About Sex and Marriage - Christopher West
Created and Redeemed (TOB intermediate)(10 CDs) - Chris West
Created and Redeemed (TOB intermediate) Leaders Guide - Chris West
Man's Search For Meaning - Victor Frankl
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey
The 8th Habit - Steven Covey
Jesus, My CEO -
Peter Kreeft Talks on:
-Arguments for God's Existence
-God's Existence
-Divine Truth
-Fated and Free
-God's Existence II
-Good, True and Beautiful
-Grief Observed
-Lost in the Cosmos
-Christianity in Lord of the Rings
-Mere Chrisitanity
-Moral Theology and Homosexuality
-One Thing Needed
-Philosophy: Handmaiden of Theology
-Prayer for Beginners
-Problem of Pain
-Pro-Life Logic
-Pro-Life Philosophy
-The Sea
-Sex in Heaven
-Ten Insights on Evil from LOTR
-Till We have Faces
-Time and Eternity
-Arguements for God's Existence
-Language of Beauty
-Cosmic Dance
-Culture War
-Dark Side
Posted by
Shaun Guevarra
8:05 PM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Filipino Americans demand for apology from ABC and Desperate Housewives Petition and a Loving Reaction
So here's an interesting one:
Filipino Americans demand for apology from ABC and Desperate Housewives Petition
amazing how these days, we try to live out as Christians, helping many.. but the laughing point comes down to a
sentance that a writer feels is worth the laughs.. and this coming from a company such as ABC, a child company of Disney that pushes Family Friendly viewing.
Just another intersting thing to talk about, and something to take to heart.
Our children hear everything, see everything and read everything..
The world is listening.. imagine what we could do if we only witnessed for the World the beauty of God's Love.
So in our reaction, let us try to show that Love right now, a major wrong has occured, but let us react in Love.. do not slander, just promote the love of God and the blessings and gifts He gives all of us Filipinos, in fact.. that he gives everyone.
Pray for ABC and Terri Hatcher and the writers, I hope they see it is more than just a mistake in a line, but a way of programming that has to change.
God Bless
Posted by
Shaun Guevarra
7:55 AM
Monday, October 1, 2007
Its 40 days For Life... What Can we do?
As 40 Days for Life is here,
I figured it best to provide some resources to help us all.
St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen..
The Holy Rosary
Excellent Catholic resources
Let us go out and make diciples of Men, let us pray, fast and witness for Christ, witness for Life.
Posted by
Shaun Guevarra
10:19 AM