Below is a document/talk I am working on.. you can watch its progress, some things in here will be edited out, but for the meantime, all that is included here explains a lot of this series.
Talk 1: Expose
Today is a coming of a new age : Truth of World
Today, we gather from all over the area. From different ministries and organization. Our backgrounds bring us from different schools, different families, cities and countries. It’s a great day too cause here we have gathered together despite these differences in our character and we will share our beliefs and values and ideas on building a future in the Culture of Life. Today we will learn what the truth is about ourselves, our country, our world and the love of life that will enable us to move forward as we build this new future.
And as I stand here today in front of you, I join you on our journey at this point in our society and lives. Everything we do, at work, at home building a family, with the poor bringing back dignity revolves around something greater than us. And we are surrounded in a world of division and brokenness, so it is fitting and wonderful to come together and start this journey on a world united in Love and Life.
Today is a Discovery of Self
For the past 90 years, the pro abortion movement has been redefining terms, introducing new concepts that were outlawed by moral and human law. Millions of lives have been lost since those days. And the influences and ideas of some of the founders of the movement made there way to other wars and other battles. In the beginning, the intent was snared by the devil, his manipulation and temptations led these founders down a path of pure pleasure. A poison in their minds, in their actions and in their future. But even amongst these odds, many stood fast and we have always been in God’s grace. We go to work and become successful; we build families, and become happy with our blessings.
Yet we also tend to forget the foundation on which our blessings are built upon. We tend to forget and take for granted how each act we do against our God is always forgiven. That our Father in heaven is constantly watching over us, guiding us, challenging us and molding us.
Should we be concerned? As a citizen of this world, as a person that has kids, knows kids or has ever been a kid, the answer simply is yes. If we continue to build an environment in which the values of today continuously overwrite the foundation on which our faith and our livelihood depends on, then we are left with nothing more than an empty shell.
So as we progress in this understanding today on these topics of what is real and what isn’t, we have to start with the facts and the fiction.
Since 1917 the world has seen a change in its lifestyle, a rather drastic one at that. The leaders of small activist groups that saw the likes of people such as Max Eastman, John Reed, Upton Sinclair, Mabel Dodge and Emma Goldman1 in the famous Greenwich village of New York, gathered together and pondered at the realization of the human condition. It is a shame that there was not more faith involved in their actions, but nonetheless this group of people became the influence of a woman named Margaret Sanger. During her work as a nurse in the streets with the poor side of East New York, she reflected and blamed the premature death of her mother on the 11 births she gave. After also teaming up with England’s psychologist Havelock Ellis, Sanger came to the conclusion that birth control “would fulfill a critical psychological need by enabling women to fully enjoy sexual relations, free from the fear of pregnancy.”
The fiction however couldn’t have been more far from the truth. God has created us in a very special way. He has chosen to create us in his image and likeness and then breathed life into us from his very existence. Many times we try to find the easiest way to gain pleasure and happiness, even if it forsakes the Creators goal for us. Sure the feelings are positive, and can be a hard temptation to resist, but it’s the waiting for God’s time and God’s chosen person for you that makes it even more pleasurable and a way for us to worship and thank God for His blessings. The Birth Control movement took this fact of life and turned it all around, it was a time where the intellectual movement was dawning, and in all fact was really a modern day Babel. With the help of Mary Dennet, Sanger and women doctors finally found the loophole in the law that had been prohibiting them from giving contraceptive advice to women, they were able to get the law changed to provide doctors the right to counsel on birth control for medical reasons. In 1916, the first Birth Control Clinic was opened in Brooklyn.
From this point forward, the abortion movement evolved into a large scale liberation movement for sexual freedom which provided a way for woman not to worry about pregnancy. Little did they know they were now destroying God’s major gift to the world. Sanger’s ideas and concepts became more lewd as her beliefs in Eugenics and sexual independence in relationships became more publicly popular amongst her peers. After separating with her husband, she continued her affairs and even after marrying again, she kept her sexual independence.
God has created us to love each other as he has loved us. Giving his only son to us, He raised us up and took on our sins. But by following the lust in our hearts instead of waiting for the fulfillment inside us, we find ourselves trapped in a world of temporary happiness and pleasures. But is it really what we are seeking?
This is what today’s battleground looks like:
Because of the efforts of such movements as I just described, sex education in the classrooms has become more radical, with books like “its perfectly normal” available for our children, a book that is pornographic in its own right as it displays young cartoon children in sexual acts including sexual intercourse, masturbation and homosexual acts.
The average age of first sex for children in America is 15.8 years old *, the average length of first sexual relationship is only 3.8 months. 24.3% of all adolescents reported having first sex during the same month as the start of their relationship. Roughly 25% were “one-night” stands.
Studies from the Medical Institute for Sexual health found that the average teen spends 3 to 4 hours in front of the TV each day, which includes an average of 6.7 scenes with sexual topics every hour. And add that to the average teens time with music at 40 hours a week with 42% of the top selling CD’s played on the radio containing sexual content that is “explicit” or “pretty explicit”;
And this is just the statistics for the youth.
All of this information leads to an over exposure of sex before our children can truly learn what the desires inside them are there for. What God has created us for.
To go deeper down the rabbit hole, the movement was only a catalyst for the next movement, the sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s. During these times the sexual liberation also provided a support and venue for pornographic images and easier access to the material at younger ages. And although our society leads us to believe the pleasurable side of pornography, the damages on our youth and future generations is almost irreparable. Leading to masturbation, sexual abuse, dysfunctional marriages and a society that is already reaching a negative birth rate. The more children are brought up in such a society, the more chances they will experience the ripping power of lust without control, a control only found with our Father in Heaven.
And we have been warned of such things,
In Col 3:2 it says “Set your minds on the things above rather than earthly things”,
In Proverbs 24:1 “Avoid letting the world teach us to love what is evil or to envy the evil doer”
The Effects of Life
After the dust settles and we see the land before us, I think you and me both can also find the blessings in our society. In Deuteronomy we are asked to choose between the blessings or the curse, between life and death.
And so although all these things occur, we have to also recognize the other side of the picture. Our Lord and savior came down to teach us and provide us with instructions on battling Evil.
In the beginning God created Man, and He said Man should not be alone, so out of His rib He created woman. And before original sin, both man and woman were naked without shame (Gen 2:25), the only sexual desire was the desire to love in God’s image. (Perfect Love casts our fear (1 Jn 4:18))
The devil then choose to tempt us and trick us and take away our ability to be a gift to one another. The gift of God’s love in its pure essence. Once this had gone away, sexual desire was now inverted and self seeking.
This creates a concept of lust. Which is sexual desire cut off from God's Love. In God's plan, the sexual desire (eros) should be inspired and transformed into agape (divine love). So in our world today, much of the founders of such movements as described have been inwardly seeking self gratification. They wish to fill a void within them, and not realizing that it can and will be filled by divine Love, the twist the truths into the image of the world today.
All of these things tend to lead us further from the truth of how we were made, and what we can do. This is where we just choose the blessings, and recognize the support we have from our families, friends and communities. Imagine if you will a mirror, and in this mirror is not just your reflection, but your reflection as God has intended it, in his image and likeness, this very reflection is full of light and purity, shining forth divine light and love into the darkness. But this light and reflection are slowly marred by the countless temptations that we entertain, the sins we commit both to ourselves and to other. Each time we commit an act against our true intent, we mar the image more. It is only when we accept Christ, and the ways he has shown us to live a more pure and holy life does he start to clean that mirror so that God's image and likeness can be seen by all.
Most of the time, it is beyond us what we do, the influences are great in society. But today, I am standing before you to tell you about the freedom God has offered us. As I presented the lay of the land, it seems so dark and dull, sad and upsetting, but I come to you as a Brother/Sister to present the HOPE of Christ.
You have heard that it was said " You shall not commit adultery, But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (MT 5:27-28). This Hope however is greater than the feeling that perhaps weighs your heart now. Because before there was sin, there was GOD. It "is deeper than the sinfulness inherited, deeper than lust... The word of Christ.. reactivates that deeper heritage and give it real power in man's life" (TB 168)
Through Christ, we can claim a real victory over these things which trap us, including the distortion of lust. Think of it this way my dear brothers and sisters, "If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law" (Gal 5:18). This is not a simple solution to break the law, but rather a message God was delivering to us reaffirmed by Christ, that with change hearts we would no longer need the rules, because our ethos (desires) would be in line with God's plan.
The problem in us lies that we desire wrongly, we desire to commit adultery in our hearts because our ethos is misguided by the ways of the world. In the case of Margaret Sanger and her friends, the lust was greater to them then receiving everlasting happiness. This is why it is important that although we feel no harm that our children and us for that matter, are exposed to music and programming in movies and TV, they in fact are reinforcing the wrong concept of sexuality. It wasn’t many years ago we could find programming that we really good bring our children to. But now, it is harder to find such things, because society is getting more and more used to this new definition of sexuality.
I leave you with this thought, we are told in MT 5:8, that "Blessed are the Poor in heart, for they shall see God", If we are able to expose the truth of what society has pressed upon us, we can understand the path that we need to take to Christian purity. A call to purity not in being prudish, but glorifying and witnessing God's divine love in our lives, a way for us reveal God's mystery revealed in who we are.
Just remember that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever" and no matter what has been done in our society or what we have done, our HOPE and light is in Christ and we can reform our hearts to untwist the twisted meaning of sexuality and desire in today's world, and almost see Heaven here on Earth.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Part 3: Working Document
Posted by
Shaun Guevarra
5:04 PM
Labels: Abortion, battle, birth control, blessings, church, family, God, grace, Jesus, love, planned parenthood, pro-life, sanger, self, sex, sexual freedom, sexual revolution, slavery, wilberforce
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