God is Love,
We must transform from ethos to agape.. bring our lust into Divine Love.. Holy Love...
This defines what God is fro us, this is what defines for us the love in which Jesus Loves us, that we must follow
But.. that defines the Love only.. not how to get closer to God to experience this LOVE..
that is where HOPE comes in..
For, within HOPE, we can grow closer to God, in order to feel and then express to everyone we meet God's Love
It is in HOPE that we can see the change in our hearts actually happen
the transformation is not a silly story.. but a reality.. cause Jesus.. when we see Him as HOPE.. allows us to drop our riches in this world in order to follow Christ
Next, after we are able to create in us the HOPE and fill ourselves with Divine Love, then we can move mountains with....
for our faith then leads us to salvation
we now can love as Jesus loves, and Hope for a new future, and Hope with certainty because our Love in Christ , the Word made flesh, the FAITH of our souls then allows us to do anything in God's name
and we can heal
and then serve others..
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Reflecting on Pope's Encyclicals
Posted by
Shaun Guevarra
10:32 AM
TOB in a nutshell..
TOB in a nutshell..
Sexuality is a way we need to show God's greatness.
When we enter into marriage, either as a vocation as a celebate or the sacrament, we must commit faithfully, freely, totaly and fruitful
For in the end, The greatest thing we must remember is to love one another as Jesus loves us.
The confusion of society and sexuality would be gone, no need for laws to control, if we only followed Jesus' teachings, and our body's should show us that..
in all we do, in private and with others.
Are you ready to do this?
Posted by
Shaun Guevarra
10:02 AM
Responding to the Golden Compass
This was in response to a friend of mine who was writing about the Golden Compass:
Here's the deal with pullman, he's a confused atheist..
His concepts of no God are muttled and confused.
His concepts of sexuality, even more perverted.
His understanding of the church's terachings on sexuality... uneducated.
He should read TOB.. :) (had to squeeze that in there)
His heart is filled with hatred and his view of the world and CS Lewis is most certainly twisted. If only he read CS Lewis' Great Divorce, would he understand I think the journey his own life must take before he can be truly happy.
There is no happiness greater than that of Heaven, but I guess for someone who is twisted about the existence of Heaven and God, he tries to find the worldly happiness, how unfortunate that he wont find what he seeks, at least not in the everlasting form. Perhaps he will find it in a quick counterfeit, but in the meantime, I pray for him and others like him to step out of the darkness. After all the darkness is only the lack of light, and this serves as more of a reminder that the only way we can find these lost souls that hide in darkness, is to bring the light of Christ to them.
Rather affirming message for me in this season of advent, that we must cleanse ourselves through God's grace, so that we may climb higher mountains and shine the light further.
As for watching the movie, even the regular critics had issues.
Too much for kids, too silly for adults, yet it did make a box office hit.
Perhaps we are only spreading the news to our own, and not taking our lights to the streets. Is it bad to watch this?
Well, I don't think its good to watch it without talking about it to the kids, so it does serve that opportunity, and I don't think boycotting it without explanation is good either, for the more we boycott, the less marketable we are to the industry. Perhaps if we not just exposed the darkness here but also explained the truth of God's message and CS Lewis' message, we could claim yet another victory for Christ.
Will I watch it? I don't think so, at least not until its in the $9.99 DVD sale box at walmart or a friend has one to watch, I did however go to the bookstore to read the ending of the third book, and yes.. Pullman needs our prayers, he is twisted and hateful and only Christ can transform him into something more. It was done with scrooge, and so perhaps this is our modern day example of scrooge-like souls we can pray for.
God Bless
Posted by
Shaun Guevarra
6:59 AM
Labels: armor of God, athiest, boycott, DVD, golden compass, movie, scrooge, sex, sexuality, show