I am unworthy by myself, but I can be great with God.
Its amazing how the two major themes keep coming back to me over and over.
The light of Christ and the foundation of Love for the world.
In one hand, a concept so pure and simple, to Love as Jesus Loves and then to go out and show the world this Love.
Very simple indeed, until we include the twisted heap of secular concepts to our children and dying culture. But instead of focusing solely on the destruction of those that surround us, let us focus on building up the strength of those near us.
Its one thing to know the problems, its another to share that vision of a new world with all you can. By doing the best you can do, you make it happen, not because you are good, but because with God you can be great.
Lets look at what Sanger did in her systematic breakdown of society to the Culture of Death. She didn't say anything wrong about the people, she actually built them up. People, being inherently selfish, found their way to more and more "truths" that could make them feel good. They liked what she said. They liked the fact that they didn't have to worry, that they could be all they could be. (but the sacrifice was it was all they could be without the image of God)
She told the woman they can be equal with men, if they didn't get pregnant, they would be able to be successful and continue to climb the ladders of success without stopping to give birth, and enjoy all of life's little pleasures. She told the men, that this was how to help their wives, they were worth more than how they were treated. She was right, they were and are worth more than how they were ever treated. But her concepts crossed over into a hedonistic lifestyle that focused on the self more than others.
So looking at the human condition, looking at the human need, what is it that we need in our lives to build us up? Its not just rallies and marches, or just posters and buttons. Its dignity and understanding.
For Men, you want to be truly manly? Is that not what you are seeking?
The Eucharist, taking it in and letting it transform you is manly.
Being Holy, which means, being pure, being outside the box of society, being respectful to women and others, being selfless, giving up yourself for others, this is how to be manly. By being lazy, by cheating, by giving into temptation and lust, by mistreating others cause you can, this is a trap, you are nothing but a coward, unwilling to face the world as a true man.
For Women, you want to be worth something? Is this what you seek? Equality and respect? Start with the Eucharist, let it transform you, be the bride you are meant to be. Let your heart of Love shine in the darkness. You are being treated like garbage now, being tossed aside for pleasure, being used as a sex toy and seeking the powers of equality through workplace, but what about the things you really are about, the truth of your holy body, the truth about how precious you are, the only one that can give life in this world, the only one that receives a miracle within your womb, your equality may come at the workplace, but the real equality is being treated the same way with respect and dignity, living a pure life, avoiding temptations, being a strong woman in a society of darkness. You want to be equal, then be as manly in your courage to take up this call. Transform your current self into something greater than an object.
Is this harsh? Is this honesty hard to hear? Yet it sinks into the your very being, into your heart and rests there waiting to be acknowledged. Think about it, what if it was true, that you just give yourself to others, give yourself as a person, your love, not just your body. This transformation can occur in you, and you can gain much dignity and respect, you will walk amongst the giants with no shame, with true freedom, no chains tied upon your feet or shackles on your hands, you will be successful in all you do because there will be something different about you. With God, you can be great and YOU can make a difference. The money isn't the happiness that you seek, it feels good, the pleasures of the skin feels good, the instant gratification feels good, but the feelings quickly fade. The true and ultimate happiness is found within us where Jesus touches our hearts.
When we are selfless in our actions we will feel no anxiety for our wants, but feel only anxious for the Lord, and all the twisted concepts of this world will return to their true shapes, and you will see that all things God has made is good, for in the beginning, this is how it was made, and this is how it should stay.
Please keep me in your prayers and I will certainly keep you in mine.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
What we can learn can make us better
Posted by
Shaun Guevarra
6:34 AM
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