Service, it is voluntary
I don't think it should be assigned
But I believe the fire in ones heart should be burning for service and therefore should be a desire stronger than the pressure of the deepest ocean.
However, if the eye does not see what the Lord has asked of us to go out and the many that can harvest to the lost sheep, than it is easy to see the service as works, and not as service
so.. perhaps our strategy as lay persons is incorrect in the sense we expect and believe to empower people by assigning, but in that defense, do you not also see that a loving leader would serve to the ends of the earth, and seek only happiness in your heart before theirs?
Perhaps its a matter of perspective
For example
you go to church on Sunday
the priest greets you with a homily that we must strive to be it is said in the Gospel of Matthew, strive to be perfect like your father.. but people then disagree because , in the end its their life, so who is to tell them what is holy and what is not..
In this case the mentality is merely a presentation of relativism
Its only relative to the truth you subscribe
I think forcing it upon someone is an issue if that person does not realize the honor it could be..
Just like a baby would not appreciate the $100 bill you give them, but a young man would realize its worth and potential
In that case, we as leaders, entrusted to serve, have been arrogant in assuming all would appreciate the same things as perhaps it has been presented as light in our eyes
I think this therefore can be a extension of seeing a piece of wood in the ye of a brother and not the log in our own.
Growth is Growth, and not in any way is it possible to be imposed onto others..
not every flower grows and blooms together, some are faster, others take their time, yet in the end.. every flower is just as worthy as the next
does it make it wrong to want people to see that?
Maybe we are impatient about that.. but is the intent not honorable?
It makes you wonder doesn't it?
What would make people step up,.. obviously not because of obligation or pity, nor should it be cause of guilt or repayment, nor kinship or friendship.
What lacks in the approach is the ability to pass on a flame.
We all have it.. no doubt
We all made some sort of commitment to follow God's latest covenant to love him and serve him.
Yet many Catholics sit back and don't participate
"Catholicism is not a spectators sport"
But how can people see that?
Personally.. I at times throw my hands in the air and say.. God.. your turn..
Like a farmer, who carefully tills the soil and prepares the seeds, plants them then looks up to heaven and says, God if you want them to grow, you have to provide the rain and sun.
He knows that he can only do so much, and the Lord will take over the things he cannot do
Perhaps, even the simplest act of seeking people to step up, we need to surrender it to the Lord even more.
At the end of the day, if you follow God's word, you will bloom into a more perfect flower, your salvation is there if your faith and works show the desire of your heart
My enthusiasm..comes from the same thing in MT 9:36-38
"When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a Shepard. Then he said to his disciples, " the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest""
To me, the most striking word there is compassion
He was saying to them that help is needed, not cause he pitied the lost sheep, but because it was his duty, or his job or cause he wanted bonus points with his father, but out of Love
Even if they didn't understand the bigger plan, it was because of love he did it..
later He would be put to death for shepherding the lost sheep, all of us, and it was because of Love..
If we are to witness to that, than even our leadership and service to others..should give us zeal enough to pass it on..
That is my enthusiasm
There are many out there, and cause I love them all, as I have been asked by God my father and as compelled in my heart, I wish to help Jesus reclaim His people
I am just sharing with you where my zeal comes from, and why I consider my day job as just that, cause there is something greater for us to do, and the only way I know how to do some of that, is through my service to others..
even this weblog, is service. Is it not? allowing us to speak of our faith in truth and understand our motivation? is it not a tool of witnessing?
May God Be Praised.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Lost Sheep
Posted by
Shaun Guevarra
10:36 AM
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